Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One leg and no sex...

Got your attention?

As you all know, I deal with all types of People on a daily bases. Have been for many years. I like it. Keeps me on my toes. But somehow someway, the weird ones find me. I dont know how it happens it just does. Always telling me things that one should NEVER share with a stranger.
So yestorday a man walks into the store to drop off his item and I ask the same question I ask everyone... How's your day? This opens me up for a great conversation, that I will now share with you....I feel If I had to hear it, then many many others should have to, too.

How's your day?
Man: "Well I cant get a date. Seems there is no one that wants to date me."
Sure there is...you'll find someone.
Man: "No. Because woman these days want two things. A man that can be active outside and someone to have sex with."
"since I have a prostatice leg and Dont want to have sex, noone wants to date me. Im just looking for a compainion"
I can understand that. Don't worry sir, you'll find someone.
Man: "My wife ,who died 5 years ago, didn't care that we didn't have sex. Why is that all woman want?"
I'm sorry to hear about your wife, but trust me you'll find someone.
Man: "Do you know what the bible says about having sex?"
(thinking I would nail this one) Yes its for procreation not recreation.
Man: (slams hand on counter top) "NO! its just for fun and we should not do it. If god wanted you to have a child then he will give you one if you have sex or not."
-silence and shock-
Man: "I was died on a table for 8 hours and I talked to god about this. And that's what he told me. My wife, whom brought me back to life, was ok with is. I go round and round with my Cathlic Priest about this. But I know more then he does, because I've talked to god and He has only listened to him."
-still shocked and saying nothing. just a friendly smile-
Man: "And I knew I should come in here today, because god told me that I should be telling this to you."

so there you have it. He felt he should share this with me and I felt I should share it with you.

1 comment:

beastmaster said...


And I thought only I got the wierd ones...

WHICH this story has opened up a port hole in my brain for me to share a story of a lady...

One that has been healed by 'God'.

(keep watching...will blog about that one later.)