~Beach Trip~
Ah the beach. How I love the sand in my toes and the sound of the waves. What a beautiful place. I mean any beach. Not just the one I was at. All beaches have there perks. Sand and Water! The only thing not so great about this beach was the Jellyfish. Yes, jellyfish. I had never been stung by one and I don't ever want to be stung again. One hit my chest and rolled down my front, leaving 3 red sting spots. The pain. It lasted maybe an hour. And right after that pain was going away, a jellyfish wrapped itself around my leg. This left a pretty good sized sting. This time the pain lasted about 2 to 3 hours... I didn't have a watch or clock, so I'm not really sure about times... But it felt like 3 hours...I was really lucky that I only got stung by 2, because they were everywhere! and really really big ones too. Everywhere you looked - there they were.
So enough about the bad stuff.... On to the good. First Food. I love food. good food at that. We ate some wonderful sushi - salmon and Catfish... I know what your thinking. Catfish? but yes, grilled catfish stuffed with a cornbread mix and crawfish. I'm not normally one for crawfish, but I like to try new things. This was a good try. Very fresh and very yummmy. Other good things were the people. Locals I mean. Every local store (by this I mean small shops like, clothing stores and art gallery's) we went into was very lovely and they were very nice and talkative. We made a lot of "new friends" :) We stopped in a garden store on the way out of town and bought two Palms and two hibiscus plants. They look so good in our garden. Of course the View was nice and the weather could not have been better. No rain and a nice 90 they whole time.
Here are some pictures of our trip. Enjoy!